I have been working on a fashion showroom lately, which is located in the quiet setting of the Swietokrzyskie Mountains, in Kielce, at 8 Skowronki Street. The interior is a conversion from an old bakery with an area of 100 square metres. Much of the interior is white and raw oil-painted wood, with gold accents. Such a space is neutral enough to make the clothes that are in it the most important part of the whole. Given that it is -0.5 storey there is no need to use air conditioning, the gentle coolness on hot days brings much joy and doesn’t dry out the respiratory tract. Free parking, coffee and fresh – chilled honey lemonade are a few little treats that will make the customers’ comfortable shopping experience more enjoyable. The last and most important feature of the showroom is the materials from which the clothing is made: the less artificial materials the better. Natural above all.


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